A cure for the blues…

Been feeling a little down lately about life, friendships in your 40’s, and kids acting all summer crazy, so I had a little therapy today…. any by therapy I mean I got a burr up my rear to go outside in the heat of the day and take care of some garden “projects” that have been piling up, mostly because I lack the effort to put into them and it’s full-blown “Summer in Texas” out there.

The heat and wacky weather have really taken a toll on my veggies, mostly the tomato plants but some of the others as well. Then the spider mites jumped on the bandwagon and I fought that losing battle for a while before I decided to just give up and pull the plants struggling and wait until cooler fall temps to replant a few of them. I have a few tomato plants I’m babying along until fall if I can, and quite a few pepper plants that have just now started somewhat producing.

So out I went and spent 3-4 hours pulling stuff up, fixing beds, planting stuff I had that I kept thinking I should plant but never found time to do it… which led to putting together a new succulent hanging basket for the front, creating a trellis structure for my golden raspberries, a few other general garden/yard/patio clean ups, and then watering it all before collapsing inside like the limp sweaty noodle I was.


A “few” peppers and pollinator favorites:-)
Plumeria “teens”, plus some herbs, peppers, and tomatoes
More Plumeria and Succulents
Gone are the plant tents I had my squash and zucchini in to protect them from SVB, but I am still loving this bed and my “young adult” plumeria area!
Up against the house for (not shown in this photo lol) added shade from the brutal afternoon sun.

I am SO PLEASED with my work, and even better, too tired to be feeling down and cranky. 🤣🤷‍♀️ we’re going to be headed to the beach fairly soon so I’m leaving the big bed the way it is, but I plan on converting it (half of it at least) to another Plumeria area for some of the older seedlings. I have several hundred more coming up in the lights inside, so fairly soon I’m going to have to think fast about a solution to keep all these seedlings from going dormant this winter!!! 😳😳 Accepting all thoughts, ideas, and suggestions…. 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Thinking inside the box…

Leaving my Target run and as I’m loading my things on the belt at the register I start thinking to myself, this is weird, literally every single thing I am purchasing is in a cardboard box. Right about the time I’m thinking this through the cashier looks up at the belt and says, “Wow, everything you’re buying is in a box!” and gives me a funny look…

What can I say, at least I’m consistent in my weirdness. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣

Stuff I Love!!!

Just updated the Stuff I Love page on the website!  Some really fun new things, so be sure to check them out!

What kind of stuff do YOU love??  I love learning about new STUFF so be sure to comment and let me know!!


Buckets of Lists

Been working on getting my shit together lately and so far so good. Next on my list? Another list! I’ve been wanting to put this to paper for a while, but I really need to get my bucket list out of my head and somewhere where I see it more often. Somewhere where it will remind me to plan to actually DO items on that list.

I know I want to visit the last eight US states remaining that I haven’t been to. I want to visit Ireland and Scotland. There’s a lot of other “wants” circling around in there that I just need to finalize. Not all of them are difficult to attain, and as much as I hate the term…. YOLO (you only live once for those of you who are also not millennials) 😉

So you tell me…. what’s on YOUR bucket list? I always love hearing people’s big plans for the path of their lives. Let’s hear yours!!!

Baby Makeover!

This dude got a LONG overdue haircut today, and while it was kind of like wrestling a guinea pig on steroids, we managed to get it done! I didn’t realize how long it had actually gotten until I did the side by side. He looks like a mushroom on the left. 😂

In other “I’m an amazing mom and wife” news, I tried out this Cuban Chicken, Rice, and Black Bean Bowl recipe this evening from Half-baked Harvest. I’d seen a recipe of hers that a friend tried and started following her blog. This one was yummy AND healthy, and everyone (except the kids of course *sigh*) seemed to really enjoy it!

And in planning news, check out this awesome states tracker I got from Caffeine Queens on Etsy! I only have 8 states left to check off my bucket list and I’ll have been to all 50! I think Wade and I should start just planning some long weekend trips and get those crossed off, don’t you?

Tomorrow I have an awesome memory keeping video to share with you… if I can figure out how to rotate it 90 degrees before I post it. 🤦‍♀️😂

Just a little bit of everything

It’s been a long, overrun by four year old attitude kind of day so I’m not in the best mood now but it was fairly productive.

Took Tatum to Home Goods to get a journal she wanted. Had to take it away five minutes later because she wouldn’t listen. Gave it back to her at lunch, got taken away again by 4:30. *sigh*

It’s always amazing to me that she can remember the exact location she had an ice cream cone 6 months ago when we pass it, but she can’t remember something I told her 25 seconds ago.

I can hear my parents laughing from here…

So while we took a breather from one another for a bit I worked on a “motivational board” for my craft room I’ve been wanting to do with this vintage frame I got. Got it all done, super proud of myself, stepped back, looked up to admire it…

…it’s crooked.

So now my “motivational board” is becoming more and more demotivating every time I look at it. #OCDproblems – I did manage to straighten it as much as I could which helped a ton, but I guess this is the first exercise in learning to be ok with being “Perfectly Imperfect”.

The kids were even more difficult after nap, so I just let them run amuck in the house with Biscuit (the original Biscuit!!) and tried to get through cooking dinner without losing my cool. I’m happy to say that I got there, but it wasn’t the most pretty thing ever.

Once we finally got everyone to bed I worked on another project I’ve been putting off: my Memory Keeping. This was on my list of resolutions for 2019 and I failed on day two 😂 – I spent some time thinking about how I might could make it easier to keep up with and I decided to start doing just “A page/photo a day” in these standard size booklets from Cocoa Daisy and my HP Sprocket Photo Printer. Of course I had to start back on January 2, because I’m lame, but I made it through Jan 11 tonight and I’m hoping to do 10 more tomorrow and Thursday until I’m caught up! Since they’re small pages and I’m just making little notes/captions about the day instead of journaling a whole bunch of blabber, it’s going a lot quicker and it’s a lot more enjoyable/fun to do!

I went to film a video for y’all on the first 1/3 of January I had finished, but then Wade walked in and embarrassed me so I quit filming 😂 I’ll try again tomorrow when everyone is out of the house!

Life’s little pet peeves…

Went window shopping with Amber and one of her kiddos this morning. Got out of my car, took a few steps, and realized there’s a hole in the heel of my sock. Just a little hole mind you, but enough that the skin of my heel just briefly sticks to my shoe as I walk.

Over….. and over….. and over again.

So I did what any sane and normal person would do. I bought new socks. It was a hard decision, but these are the ones I eventually chose.

I think they fit my needs pretty well, don’t you? 😂

Plan With Me for 1/28-2/3

This week’s “Before The Pen” in all three places 😂 Technically it’s two since the insert and Bujo are both in my Chic Sparrow Deluxe Claire Outlander! Yellow Paper House is my desk planner, love the combo of weekly and dot grid, I don’t feel so constrained! My Chic Sparrow travelers notebook goes everywhere with me in my purse for on-the-go planning and notes/journaling! I’ve decided I really need to buckle down and use some of these sticker kits I’ve been hoarding so I busted out a few adorable ones from Pink Limeade Designs – loving them both. The bullet journal spread is flamingos, because, well, why the hell not. 😂😂😂

MOM POST coming next for those of you who could care less about my planner!! 😂😂

I’ll have one of everything on the menu please…. make that two.

That time you’ve been waiting almost two days for two different pharmacies to get their acts together and get you your prescribed steroids, then when you finally get them at 8:30pm and take the whole day’s dose at the recommendation of the pharmacist….

…and then you’re wide awake at 12:30am ready to clean the whole house, walk the dog, organize your craft room, and hungry enough to eat a bear and ask for a moose or something for seconds.


What What???

Not just ONE unboxing but TWO?

While I was waiting for my voice to clear up a bit to try this video thing out I ended up getting my Simply Gilded sub box in the mail today too, so I made that my (rather lame) debut into the video world before I hit the Boho Berry Box! LOL!

Forwarning – It is obviously going to take some trial and error before I figure out this whole tripod thing, and I don’t have the fancy manicured nails that all these “professional un-boxers” have so you’re going to have to bear with me and all my unpolished glory!

So that went poorly, but I didn’t let that stop me, I just went straight into my Boho Berry Box Unboxing, which I was totally excited about since this is my FIRST box from them and I literally subscribed on a whim without having any idea about what came inside apart from some planner goodies.  It’s called impulse shopping, it’s good for the soul.

PS- Use coupon code B4A5 for $5 your FIRST Boho Berry Purchase!!!  <3