Opening the door…

It’s interesting how things play out sometimes, and how one simple act can start a domino effect to something bigger.

I took the kiddos to the indoor play place today because the weather was crap and we needed something to do. Afterwards they wanted to go to Panera, which I am always happy to oblige because y’all know I love to eat. Ha! We went in, and walking in I saw the cutest kids with their mom by the door, and I told them both I loved their hair, especially the colors in the girl’s hair.

We walked up to the counter, ordered our food – the clerk asked dine-in or take out and I said dine-in. He responded that the restaurant was currently full and that there would probably be a wait to find a table. Not a problem, we don’t have anywhere else to be.

The kids and I stood around for 5-10 minutes, me eagle eyeing for an open seat or two, when I finally spotted a group of teens getting up from a table in the back, so I ushered the kids over and we grabbed our spot to eat. On my way to fill my drink, I notice the same mom and kiddos (adorable baby not pictured) glancing around the still packed to the gills dining room so I mention to her that I have a 6 person table I snagged in the back, and she’s welcome to sit with us, that we weren’t creepy (that I know of, LOL) – she accepted and we all sat down to eat.

It took about 3 minutes for the little boy to turn to Wyatt and in the sweetest voice offered to share his tablet, and within seconds the little girl sitting next to Tatum offered the same with hers. I sat there making some small talk and watching the kids happily play together like life-long friends and thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if us adults could make friends so easily?? At which my next thought was, well, why the heck can’t we??? So I looked up at the mom and said, “You know, I’d be happy to share my phone number with you if you’d like to set up some play dates or something” at which she laughed and said she had just been thinking of saying the same thing.

Turns out they moved here mid-last year and haven’t had the chance to make many friends yet with everything going on and her kids were super excited to meet some other kids their ages (much like mine always are!!) that they could hang out with.

So, now we have a play date with new friends scheduled tomorrow, and the moral of the story is, I don’t really know what – but sometimes just a simple thing can open up the door to some great new friendships! So good to meet you and your adorable kids, Ashley! (I won’t tag you though until you decide if you actually like me or not with my no-filter random self. LOL!!)

Opening the door…

It’s interesting how things play out sometimes, and how one simple act can start a domino effect to something bigger.

I took the kiddos to the indoor play place today because the weather was crap and we needed something to do. Afterwards they wanted to go to Panera, which I am always happy to oblige because y’all know I love to eat. Ha! We went in, and walking in I saw the cutest kids with their mom by the door, and I told them both I loved their hair, especially the colors in the girl’s hair.

We walked up to the counter, ordered our food – the clerk asked dine-in or take out and I said dine-in. He responded that the restaurant was currently full and that there would probably be a wait to find a table. Not a problem, we don’t have anywhere else to be.

The kids and I stood around for 5-10 minutes, me eagle eyeing for an open seat or two, when I finally spotted a group of teens getting up from a table in the back, so I ushered the kids over and we grabbed our spot to eat. On my way to fill my drink, I notice the same mom and kiddos (adorable baby not pictured) glancing around the still packed to the gills dining room so I mention to her that I have a 6 person table I snagged in the back, and she’s welcome to sit with us, that we weren’t creepy (that I know of, LOL) – she accepted and we all sat down to eat.

It took about 3 minutes for the little boy to turn to Wyatt and in the sweetest voice offered to share his tablet, and within seconds the little girl sitting next to Tatum offered the same with hers. I sat there making some small talk and watching the kids happily play together like life-long friends and thought to myself, wouldn’t it be nice if us adults could make friends so easily?? At which my next thought was, well, why the heck can’t we??? So I looked up at the mom and said, “You know, I’d be happy to share my phone number with you if you’d like to set up some play dates or something” at which she laughed and said she had just been thinking of saying the same thing.

Turns out they moved here mid-last year and haven’t had the chance to make many friends yet with everything going on and her kids were super excited to meet some other kids their ages (much like mine always are!!) that they could hang out with.

So, now we have a play date with new friends scheduled tomorrow, and the moral of the story is, I don’t really know what – but sometimes just a simple thing can open up the door to some great new friendships! So good to meet you and your adorable kids, Ashley! (I won’t tag you though until you decide if you actually like me or not with my no-filter random self. LOL!!)

Road Trippin’

This is the year I officially hit middle age… the big 4-0. A couple months ago I decided there was no way I was turning 40 just sitting in my living room so I planned a trip to Galveston Island with hubs, the kids, and my parents. Fast forward to today and we’re in the car, road trippin’ for the next 4-5 hours with a 6 year old and a freshly potty trained, almost 4 year old, and I’m wondering WTAF was I thinking?

We’ve gone from this…
To this…

We had a few blissful moments of the youngest sleeping, but of course he knocked off about 10 minutes before we stopped for lunch so that was short-lived. After lunch we endured about 30 mins of arguing, an hour of ridiculousness, a stop at Bucees, 10 more minutes of cranky fussing, and now I have this mean-mug burning a hole in my from behind.

Pray for us, we are not ok…. 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Road Trippin’

This is the year I officially hit middle age… the big 4-0. A couple months ago I decided there was no way I was turning 40 just sitting in my living room so I planned a trip to Galveston Island with hubs, the kids, and my parents. Fast forward to today and we’re in the car, road trippin’ for the next 4-5 hours with a 6 year old and a freshly potty trained, almost 4 year old, and I’m wondering WTAF was I thinking?

We’ve gone from this…
To this…

We had a few blissful moments of the youngest sleeping, but of course he knocked off about 10 minutes before we stopped for lunch so that was short-lived. After lunch we endured about 30 mins of arguing, an hour of ridiculousness, a stop at Bucees, 10 more minutes of cranky fussing, and now I have this mean-mug burning a hole in my from behind.

Pray for us, we are not ok…. 🤣🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I have nothing to call this.

I walked into the gynecologist’s office a little under a week ago for my yearly visit. No big deal, normal stuff, right? She asked me to step on the scale, and granted, I had my clothes on but still…. the number that popped up on that thing kind of threw me for a loop. Yikes….. I’ve really not been very good about healthy habits for sure but that was kind of a slap in the face.

I have friends who have had some success with the Keto diet, and to be honest being able to keep meat, cheese, and dairy sounded pretty fabulous to me, so I decided to check it out! Not entirely sure if I’ll be able to stick with it, but surely it’s a stepping stone to eating a bit healthier, and cutting back the sugar and carbs.

So I jumped in. Chef salad for lunch with my favorite homemade dressing. Keto friendly yogurt for a snack by :ratio foods. I was pleasantly surprised at the taste of the yogurt, I was expecting more of a bitter taste with an unpleasant aftertaste but it didn’t really have any of those things.

I had done some meal planning yesterday and a grocery pickup this morning, so I was pretty prepared for dinner! I made “Taco Stuffed Peppers” and they turned out pretty magical, if I don’t say so myself!

Paired up with some fresh avocado and it was a pretty easy, satisfying, and tasty meal! Even hubby approved!!! (Not kid approved, but my kids don’t approve much of anything edible to be honest)

I’m hoping to document some of this journey here, but don’t worry, I know people don’t like endless weight loss posts coming into their inbox, so I’ll find other things to write about too – like how I got a call from the school nurse on my 6 year old because she thought my daughter was sick but it turned out to be a sweaty crotch…… *sigh* #MomLife

I’m kind of a big deal…

Me in all my nerdy glory

Well, not really, but after THIS INTERVIEW with me from Kristin from Exploring Domesticity came out on her blog today I kinda feel like it.

(If you can’t get that link to work here it is in all its glory:

Seriously y’all, after a really tough, trying day with both kids (the boy in particular) I actually needed to read through this interview again myself and remind myself all of the little joys in parenting and ALSO to stay as low-key as I possibly can. Believe me, it’s hard enough sometimes taking my own advice, but it’s fairly sound….. I think.

Make sure you take a look around while you’re over there, such a fun website full of awesome tips! <3

Advice from the Pros ;-)

Doling out the unsolicited advice this week with Exploring Domesticity – love her blog, and I hope you’ll check it out! 23 of us mommy-folks share what made new motherhood a tad easier for us.

(Now we just need an article on how to make second-kid motherhood easier, because WHEW, it’s no joke.)

Link straight to the article here:

Things kids say….

Me: “Wyatt, say MILK”
Wyatt: “mmkkk”
Me: “Good! Now say SISSY”
Wyatt: “Sissy”
Me: “Good boy! Now say CRACKER”
Wyatt: “COCK”
Wade (dryly): “I think we need to work on that one a little more.”

Motherhood….. all that and a bag of chips… 😉

Parenting Win?

Y’all – My 22-month old (who doesn’t have very many recognizable words yet) just very clearly said “STARBUCKS” and I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or proud of that. 😂😂😂

Your mother wants you to buy this…

Well, maybe not YOUR mother, but THIS mother wants you to buy this. Seriously, I’m going to be absolutely blatant with my product recommendation in this post.

This crap works.

I’ve been using Eco-88 since I very first started managing an upscale doggie daycare over 12 years ago. One of my customers told me to try it and I was skeptical, so I didn’t for over a year. I mean, I’ve used stuff like this before and it NEVER works as advertised. NEVER.

We had a stain at our old house in the guest room where our elderly dog had thrown up on the carpet about a year before. Finally I got tired of seeing it and decided to give a bottle of this stuff a go. I mean, I got an employee discount, right? Why not!


HOLY COW you guys, it took a YEAR OLD stain RIGHT OUT of the carpet, no scrubbing, no elbow grease, just sprayed in on and in minutes it was gone. It didn’t even bleach out the carpet. CRAZY BUSINESS.

So I started putting it on EVERYTHING. Random 14 year old stain at my parents’ house that had been there since they bought the house? GONE! That one took a little rubbing, but seriously…. FOURTEEN YEAR OLD STAIN….. GONE.

I started recommending it to ALL my customers, and NOT JUST those with dogs, ESPECIALLY those with kids. I had a “Mommy Meet-up” at my house once and one of the kids spilled a juice box on my carpet. The kid’s mom started freaking out and I told her, “don’t worry, I got this”, pulled out my little bottle of magic and it disappeared as about a dozen moms watched in awe and then asked where I got that because it was now a NEED.

Now, I don’t know what’s in this stuff… “enzymes” supposedly. To be honest, I don’t care. IT’S THAT GOOD. I will say though if you get it on your hands and don’t wash them when you’re done with your stain cleaning it will turn your fingertips white (I assume that is said enzymes eating your skin, because, you know, you’re organic and all) but I just don’t bathe in it when I use it so I don’t have that problem. Seriously. Spray, wipe/rub a little if you need to, and let it do its thing. You won’t be disappointed!

Here’s the link again, in case you missed it the first time. 😉