Here we go with yet another planner post! Sorry you guys that aren’t into it – but ironically enough ever since I became a Stay at Home Mom my schedule has been a lot tougher to organize than it was when I was working! I know that seems odd, but it’s true. AmIRight Mom friends?
I’ve been kind of all over the place on the planners that I use…. I have gone through several different brands but none really had the flexibility on space that I wanted. I tried the bullet journal only and I still really like my BuJos but not necessarily for scheduling/planning because I’m not artistic enough and I enjoy a “clean” looking planner.
Enter the 2019 Scribbles That Matter A5 Bullet Planner. I was skeptical when I saw it but wanted to give it a shot. I’ve been using it for several weeks now and I REALLY LOVE IT. I think I’ve found “Planner Peace”! It has pre-done weekly spreads with a dot grid background that please my “neatness/pretty” side, and a bunch of plain bullet journal dot grid pages at the end of each month and the end of the book that please my need to have more space. I can add stickers or Washi, but still write like a bullet journal. It’s awesome!
It also looks super fabulous in my Chic Sparrow A5 Creme Chocolate folio, and I have a feeling I’ll eventually start using this as my every day carry. Totally loving it!
For my planner followers… Have you found your “Planner Peace”? Be sure to share in the comments or on social media using #MindYourBiscuitsTX! <3